elcome to Jessica Chastain Network, your oldest and most complete resource dedicated to Jessica Chastain. You may better remember her as Molly Bloom in Molly's Game or Maya in Zero Dark Thiry. Academy Award winner for The Eyes of Tammy Faye, Jessica spans her career from big to small screen, seeing her not only in movies like The Help, The Debt, Miss Sloane, Woman Walks Ahead, The Zookeeper's Wife, The Good Nurse, she also played some iconic roles for series like Scenes from a Marriage and George & Tammy. Recently she registered a podcast series, The Space Within, and had a role in Memory and Mothers' Instinct. This site aims to keep you up-to-date with anything Mrs. Chastain with news, photos and videos. We are proudly PAPARAZZI FREE!

Last Friday Jessica was honored at Power of Women NY for her work with Planned Parenthood and also for being a vocal supporter of women’s rights everywhere. Scans of Variety issue are also in our gallery.

Variety published her full speech, and you can now watch in our video archive. Also, a transcription has been added and you can read it below:


First of all I have to thank that incredible lady Lena there for such a wonderful intro and I’m so inspired by everything that she does for women and for girls of all ages, and I know I’m probably not the only that is excited to see what she’s does next.

I feel so honored to be in the company of the women in this room and the inspiring Chelsea Clinton, Blake Lively, Gayle King, Sheri Redstone, Audrey McDonald and Tina Knowles.

Variety, thank you for hosting this event today and for bringing us here together to shine the spotlight on organizations that support and empower women around the world. I feel privileged to stand here with Planned Parenthood, an organization that is so vital, indispensable now more than ever. Over 270,000 pap test and 360,000 breast exams are provided at Planned Parenthood annually, which detects and prevents cancer. The numbers do not lie. We need Planned Parenthood.

As the daughter of a single mother and a low income household I am indebted to the organization. As i grow up they made it financially possible and accessible for me to educate myself and to make decisions regarding my health and my future. Planned Parenthood is an incredible organization that provides women with the opportunity, the equal opportunity of that of her male counterparts of having jurisdictions over her life, her body and her health and the knowledge to make necessary personal choices.

It is crucial that to fight for this and I believe that we can and we will prevail. Why? Because women are strong, we are powerful, formidable, we are a force to be reckoned with. Women are half of the population and we’re not going anywhere.

The brilliant Gloria Steinem, who’s one of of my personal heroes, defines a feminist as “anyone who recognises the equality and full humanity of women and men”. This was shown around the world on January 21st when nearly 4 million people marched for women’s rights. It was the largest protest in the history of the United States. I can’t begin to tell you how much i love that the largest protest in the history of the United States is called The Women’s March.

Yes, millions of women and their allies marched in solidarity for the principle that women’s rights are human rights and when an individual’s right are under threat, we are all under threat.

What i felt that day in our nation’s capital was the warmth of intersectional feminism. The diversity that was represented was inspiring as we were all there united for equal rights, not only for women but for all humans. I felt a surge of hope and a certainty that no matter what is thrown our way, we are capable of demanding and creating change so we must educate society by accepting only behaviour, words and laws that protect us all.

In January we set a collective resounding no to policies that could hurt us and it was a declaration heard around the world. Most recently women said no to a certain Fox News anchor. After years of sexual assault accusations and settlements were unearthed. Women’s rights group called for the advertisers to pull their support from the show and companies listened. And so did Fox and as a result this news hour will now be known as simply “The Factor”. This is our collective power in action.

Little girls are born believing that they can do anything and be anything that they dream but as we grow, society tells us otherwise… We must let each girl know that she can be the CEO of the fortune 500 company, she can be a successful filmmaker, and yes, she can be the president of the United States.

I see gender discrimination in my industry everyday. There is no shortage of female talent and yet women make up only 7% of filmmakers today. On the set of my most recent film, The Zookeeper’s Wife, I had the rare feeling of being surrounded by other women at work, while in truth, women made up not even half of the crew. We were creating a movie directed by a woman, produced by a woman, adapted for film by a woman, based of a novel written by a woman and telling the heroic true story of a woman and let me tell you, not only did the world keep turning but that movie is currently the highest grossing speciality film of 2017.

So, women are good for business. I’m hopeful that we are approaching a day when this will be the rule and not the exception on the set of films and in other male dominated fields. It is time that we use our voice to say no to being outnumbered and under valued and while it is so important to recognize the challenges ahead it is vital that we keep moving forward to persist, talk can be powerful but actions more so.

We need to ask ourselves: “what am i doing to make a difference in this world?” It begins by saying no to sexual harassment. It begins with demanding fare pay and turning down the job where you make half as much as your male counterpart with equal experience. It begins with donating to organizations such as Planned Parenthood and motivating others to do the same. It begins by supporting other women and embracing this sisterhood because we know that each woman’s accomplishment is a victory for us all.

Thank you!

April 23, 2017   Luciana

Jessica Chastain was honored along with Audra McDonald, Chelsea Clinton, Blake Lively, Gayle King, and Shari Redstone for their efforts on behalf of a range of philanthropic causes. The Friday afternoon event at Cipriani 42nd Street also honored Tina Knowles Lawson with the Community Commerce Impact Award.

Chastain was honored for her work with Planned Parenthood, an organization that she relied on for birth control services before she became a big-screen star. Access to affordable reproductive health care “makes it possible for a woman to have the equal opportunity of her male counterparts of having jurisdiction over her body, her life and her health,” she said.

During her speech, she mentioned that Fox News anchor being sure not to mentioning his name.

“Most recently women said ‘No’ to a certain Fox News anchor,” she said. “After years of sexual assault accusations and settlements were unearthed, women’s rights groups called for the advertisers to pull their support from the show and companies listened. And so did Fox. As a result, the 8 o’clock news hour will be known as simply ‘The Factor.’ This is our collective power in action.”

Our gallery was now updated with pictures of her arrival and luncheon inside. Check it:

April 22, 2017   Luciana

As we previously announced, Jessica is among the Variety’s Power of Women Honorees alongside Chelsea Clinton, Gayle King, Blake Lively, Audra McDonald, and Shari Redstone.

Chastain is being recognized for her commitment to Planned Parenthood, the nation’s leading provider and advocate of high-quality, affordable health care for women, men, and young people.

Jessica Chastain turned to Planned Parenthood as a young woman. “That’s where I got my birth control pills,” she says. “That’s where I learned about sex education. It was a very important place to me.” The Oscar-nominated actress acknowledges that such services weren’t always available. “I’m the first woman in my family not to have a child as a teenager,” Chastain says. “I’m the first one to go to college. When my grandmother was younger, she didn’t have access to birth control or sex education. My mom, the same thing. It’s very important in our society to protect women who financially don’t have the means to pay for healthcare, and Planned Parenthood does that.” But Planned Parenthood, which is 100 years old, has been under fire. The Trump administration and pro-life Republicans are threatening to defund the non-profit unless it stops providing abortions in its clinics. “Politicians in D.C. are mounting the biggest attack on women’s health in a generation, and blocking access to Planned Parenthood is their top priority,” says Dawn Laguens, the group’s chief brand officer. “Women are resisting these attacks. They know speaking up and speaking out can change the direction of this government.” If the Republican legislation passes, Planned Parenthood wouldn’t receive federal funds for its 650 health centers across the U.S., where 2.5 million patients visit annually for cancer screenings, breast exams, STD tests, and more. “I’m absolutely worried that if we don’t support Planned Parenthood and healthcare for women, we’ll head backward,” says Chastain. “I guess I’m not surprised by the war on women’s healthcare. I think it’s something I’ve seen for the majority of my life.”

Jessica Chastain has become an outspoken advocate for gender equality in Hollywood, from pushing for the hiring of more women directors and crew, to seeking better representations of female characters on the big screen. On the interview with Variety she spoke candidly about how she negotiates her contracts to make sure her wages are on par with her male counterparts.

I’m not taking jobs anymore where I’m getting paid a quarter of what the male co-star is being paid. I’m not allowing that in my life.
I remember watching Amy Pascal — it was after the Sony hack, and she was giving a talk somewhere. She said part of the reason women don’t get paid equal to men is they don’t ask for more; actresses need to stop being so grateful. That really hit me. At first, I was really pissed off. And then I thought, “She’s touching on something here.” Women need to step forward and demand they’re fairly compensated for their work.
You have a scale to measure it by, because the big agencies know what the male actors are getting paid. So when they’re negotiating, they should feel empowered. They can come forward and say, “This is 2017. We’re not doing this anymore.”

Variety will celebrate their honorees at its annual Power of Women: New York luncheon on Friday, April 21. The event at Cipriani Midtown will be hosted by Vanessa Bayer (“Saturday Night Live”).

April 18, 2017   Luciana

Last Month, starting the promotion tour for The Zookeeper’s Wife in Poland, Jessica visited the Warsaw Zoo (actual real Zabinska home) in Warsaw – check pictures here – alongside Johan Heldenbergh. A video was recorded and People published it yesterday.

Jessica Chastain took a walk on hallowed grounds when she stepped back in time for her new movie.

The actress visited the real life villa her Zookeeper’s Wife character Antonina Zabinski lived — and saved hundred of lives — in during World War II. In the exclusive video, Chastain and her costar Johan Heldenbergh take a tour of the house alongside the Zabinki’s daughter, Teresa.

“There’s many stories of World War II and the darkness and violence of it, but it’s very it’s very rare that you have a story about the lightness in the dark,” Chastain says. “What I love and I find so fascinating about Antonina is that in this world of violence and aggression, she was able to counter it with love.”

Antonina and her husband Jan (played by Heldenbergh) saved almost 300 Jews after Poland was invaded by the Nazis by hiding them in the empty cages of their zoo. To get into the role, the actress read Antonina’s diaries and even spent time with her daughter Teresa.

“I met Teresa and it was very special to talk to her about things that I couldn’t even find in the book, little secrets about what it was like to live with Antonina,” Chastain says. “To be back here having come full circle is overwhelming. I feel overwhelmed with emotion and it’s really inspiring, especially when you look at what’s happening today around the world to be reminded of human kindness.”

You can watch the video in our archive, and also thanks to Mette I was able to make screen captures, now added in our gallery.

April 8, 2017   Luciana

Jessica is featured on June issue of Total Magazine, in a great interview talking about her career. She talks a little about Miss Sloane, Molly’s Game, Woman Walks Ahead, John F. Donovan and the newly announced Tammy Wynette biopic.

You can read the interview in our press archive, and scans in our gallery.

April 7, 2017   Luciana

Jessica visited the Today Show this morning, to promote The Zookeeper’s Wife that opens today on US theaters. She was joined by the young Shira Haas, and you can watch the interview below.

April 7, 2017   Luciana