elcome to Jessica Chastain Network, your oldest and most complete resource dedicated to Jessica Chastain. You may better remember her as Molly Bloom in Molly's Game or Maya in Zero Dark Thiry. Academy Award winner for The Eyes of Tammy Faye, Jessica spans her career from big to small screen, seeing her not only in movies like The Help, The Debt, Miss Sloane, Woman Walks Ahead, The Zookeeper's Wife, The Good Nurse, she also played some iconic roles for series like Scenes from a Marriage and George & Tammy. Recently she registered a podcast series, The Space Within, and had a role in Memory and Mothers' Instinct. This site aims to keep you up-to-date with anything Mrs. Chastain with news, photos and videos. We are proudly PAPARAZZI FREE!

  • “ I’m inspired by antiques. I look at things that have a wink to the past but are also reinterpreted in some way and made to feel modern… and maybe that’s what I am. „

  • “ I’m inspired by people who are so sensitive and vulnerable that they try to cover it up. „

  • “ I’m a true believer that you get out of something what you put into it. „

  • “ In our society, women are valued for their sexual attraction. I’d like to get away from the sex symbol idea of what beauty is. Actually, that’s probably the farthest thing from beauty, because it’s makeup and hair, it’s pouty lips – it’s not real. „

  • “ I try not to fake anything. „

  • “ In the characters that I play, I’m so involved in the look; it’s very, very important to me. Because how a person presents him or herself to the world, they’re saying something about themselves. It’s their first form of advertisement. „

  • “ I just want to see more women in film and behind the camera. I’m tired of seeing movies from one perspective. „

  • “ I’m very sensitive in real life. I cannot not cry if someone around me is crying. I will start to cry if someone is crying, even if it’s not appropriate. I have that thing in me, a weakness or sensitivity. „

  • “ I think that with any emotion – fear, love, nervousness – if the actor’s feeling it, then the audience feels it. „

  • “ I’ve spent my life being embarrassed. „

  • “ Women can be powerful, graceful, and complex, with the ability to make any choice they desire. „

  • “ I have problems because I’m very expressive, and usually red lipstick gets on my teeth and face. „

  • “ I don’t want people to look at me. „

  • “ Whatever anyone says, I think the opposite will happen. „

  • “ I don’t like the idea that fame could mean that people can no longer relate to me. „

  • “ What can I do to create a healthy work environment? Because we have all been groomed to the normalization of violence and the normalization of abuse. And we refuse to live in that society. „

  • “ Acting, for me, has never been about wanting attention or wanting to be seen. It’s funny that I’m in a profession where that’s where I am. There’s so much I want to express; it’s about connecting with another person and the intimacy of what that is, and so I have to overcome my shyness. „

  • “ I was excited that my films would finally see the light of day and people would see them. But I never imagined that such nice things would be said about a lot of my films. „

  • “ What’s wrong with trying hard and showing up and being good at your job? We really need to look at ourselves and say we need to reevaluate this. We need to reevaluate that women who ask for a pay raise or ask for a promotion – it’s actually an okay thing. It’s okay to be ambitious; it’s okay to be over-prepared. „

  • “ I do know that people treat me different with blonde hair than they do with red hair. „

  • “ I love fall because I love the whole cuddling aspect of it, and a sweater dress has that vibe of I’m going to hunker down and be warm, but it’s also very feminine. „

  • “ I look at all the ingredients of a film and say, ‘Is this a positive thing that I’m putting into the world? Is there honor and respect in the way the story is being told about them? And would they approve of that?’ „

  • “ Everyone has to learn how to live in an environment that has not made it easy for women to claim their place, so I think it’s all women’s responsibility to step forward. „

  • “ There is this immediate connection, this intimacy when you’re acting because there’s no room to be polite or shy. Also, as an actor I get to connect with women I’ve never met before. „

  • “ I’m such a geek. „

  • “ I grew up poor. „

  • “ I’m working hard to break free of stereotypes that the film industry has created and nurtured around women. „

  • “ I am not one to go for traditional female roles, because I don’t think traditionally female characters are very interesting, and I don’t think they represent real life. „

  • “ The reason we like acting is connecting to other people. „

  • “ Being a woman has always been a powerful thing, where history has sometimes dictated otherwise, but I believe that a woman can be compassionate, sensitive, soft, kind. „

  • “ I’m really inspired by stories I didn’t know about. „

  • “ We need to understand that femininity is not weakness. And our society, for some reason, equates the two. „

  • “ When something happens, I always check myself and know it’s going to go away. So be prepared for it. This is a tough business for actors who are sensitive. If you try to hold on to things, you’ll go crazy. „

  • “ Okay, I’m going to let you in on a little secret: I’m a very superstitious person. I’m walking onto the plane as we speak. I’m putting my hands on the outside of the plane and my feet are on the lip of the plane. I have to do it every time before I fly. „

  • “ I have a feeling that very soon I’m going to fail very, very big. I’m going to try something and everybody’s going to be like, ‘What was she thinking?’ „

  • “ I love being around great actors and film-makers, and I try to hide the fact that I’m in awe of them. „

  • “ One of my favorite parts of being an actress is being a detective. „

  • “ My grandmother was my inspiration. She was the person who took me to the theater and encouraged me to act, and she’s the one who always believed in me. „

  • “ If I can help create empathy and balance in society, I’m going to do whatever I can to tell stories that subconsciously create that. „

  • “ I’m so inspired by the women who are far braver than I am, who have come forward with their stories and risked everything to help others. What is important is that the voices of these women do not disappear. We must amplify them. „

  • “ I was a difficult child because I wanted to be the mom. „

  • “ I don’t normally get into this, but I’m a vegan. And I try not to, well, I don’t want to torture anything. I guess it’s about trying to live a life where I’m not contributing to the cruelty in the world… While I am on this planet, I want everyone I meet to know that I am grateful they are here. „

  • “ When I first moved to LA, it was very difficult. All the casting directors didn’t know what to do with me, with the way I looked. I’m not blonde with tanned skin and tall and skinny. I looked very different – and they said I looked like I was from another time. „

  • “ I don’t talk about my dating life. But I will say this: in this business it’s very tough to maintain a relationship because we’re like gypsies – always on the move. And the more you share your relationship with the world the less special it becomes. So I always try to keep my dating life quiet. „

  • “ I love fashion. As a young girl I would always save my money to buy fashion magazines and imagine myself doing photo shoots or walking up the red carpet. All those things came true in my life although I like a more retro look than a lot of the latest designer things I get to wear. But fashion is something I love to explore and I whenever I get to go to the big fashion shows in Paris I feel so much anxiety because I’m so fascinated by the art and creativity that goes into creating beautiful clothes. „

  • “ I was the girl who cut school to go to the park, and the other kids would be smoking and drinking and I’d be reading Shakespeare. „

  • “ I walk the dogs, I play the ukulele, I cook. I’m not a girl who goes to big parties–I’m shy. „

  • “ I was always a little awkward, a redhead, and very freckly. Kids like to make fun of people who are different. I had short red hair and wore workout boots, so I got teased really badly for having red hair and being different. „

  • “ Isabelle Huppert is for me the greatest actress in the world. She always plays very bold characters, very daring women. She always challenges herself, working with directors from other countries, she’s never lazy. „

  • “ I have a rule not to date actors and because of that I can hopefully make work be the focus of public interest instead of my private life. „

  • “ I love being around great actors and film-makers, and I try to hide the fact that I’m in awe of them. I try to pretend with Al Pacino or Helen Mirren that, you know, we’re just part of the same team, we’re all in this together, but really, secretly, the whole time my heart is beating very fast. „

  • “ I don’t read reviews because if you believe a good review, then you have to believe a bad review. „

  • “ Whenever I approach a role, I’m the girl who will sit in my house for a month and just watch as much as I can on the time period. „

  • “ I’m not going out to night clubs and dancing with other actors, I’m not having lunch at The Ivy. „

  • “ It wasn’t like I wanted to be an actor. It was more like I am that. This is my job. It was so clear cut, I never had to make a choice. „

  • “ It’s tough, acting. You have to walk two lines of a tightrope. There’s the all-consuming fear of failure: I’m about to fall flat on my face. There’s that and there’s also confidence – you have to be confident in order to try things – and they fight each other all the time. „ „

  • “ I like art, and fashion to me is art, so I will continue wearing things that I think are beautiful pieces and probably will get people talking. „

  • “ I’ve always made really strange choices, maybe because no one told me otherwise. „

  • “ I’m always going to do both theater and film, always. I love theater and I love the ensemble feeling of it. I love the community. I love being in New York. I love the idea of finishing a show and then seeing people from other shows and then all leaving for a late night dinner. „

  • “ I know people ask why I never am pictured with a man, but my work is being an artist, an actor. It does show, indeed, women don’t need a man to define. I define myself. „

  • “ I love wigs, I love costumes, I love anything that will get me into the character. „

  • “ I’m not going to lie, being given free clothes is fantastic. I never used to imagine my wedding dress as a little girl, but I’d always imagined my Oscar dress. „

  • “ I love fashion that celebrates a woman’s body, that maybe is a throwback to the glamor of old Hollywood; that silhouette but somehow making it modern. „

Quotes taken from brainyquote.com and imdb.com